Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Second Award and Paying it Forward.

Thank you to Ann and Claire who sent me this Sisterhood Award. I really appreciate this because that is exactly what we all are isn't it? Sisters who love to sew. It's as simple as that really.

The rules of this award are:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post .
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received your award.

So I'm paying it forward to the following :

Animat ofSew Fit
Karen of Kbenco's Projects
Eva of Morzel
Belinda of Sew-4-Fun
Julia of Julia's Sewing Blog
Linda of Seams Well
Elizabeth of Bits and Pieces
Nancy of Encue
Cenetta of The Mahogany Stylist
Ruthie of Ruthie K Sews


JuliaR said...

Thank you for the award! I am going to be getting back at it in a week or so, now that my last chemo is finally over and I can start getting better without getting zapped every three weeks. That's a relief, I can tell you. Still don't know what project is next - something easy to get back into the swing of things.

Aminat said...

Thank you so much for the sisterhood award..I really appreciate your thought and consideration. I have been so busy lately that I hadly have time to check my blog, but will do when all the rush is over. Have a great week

SewRuthie said...

Cool, what an honour. And I have had so much fun reading the blogs of the other sewing artists!